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Server Highlights


In the Infinite Forge server we have many things to highlight, but here are just a few.



1. Low Number of Banned Items


Here are our banned/restricted/donator only items:

-computercraft(unlockable by donating){Reason: Ddos-ing and greifing}

-Explosive weapons(partially unlockable via donating){Reason: Greifing}

-Energy Collecters(MK1,2,3)(Unlock by donating)

-Relays(MK1,2,3)(Unlock by donating)

-Red/Dark Matter Anything(unlock by donating)



2. Low lag


We host through They provide low latency server hosting in Europe and America. We host our server in America.



3. Safe, Friendly Gameplay


We try our best to provide safe, friendly experience. We have anti-swearing plugins to prevent cussing from entering the message feed. We also have staff happy to help.


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